
Information on Nursery Admission

  1. Applications now being accepted for children ages 1 to 6.
    The application forms are available for admission in our website and school.
  2. Documents to be submitted with application:
    • Birth Certificate & Copy of Birth Certificate
    • 1 Photo
    • 3 Self-Addressed Stamped Envelopes
    • Application Fee $40
  3. Once the required forms and documents have been submitted, our staff will call you to schedule an interview.
  4. To be eligible for admission, successful applicants are required to pass a health check for school entry certified by a registered doctor.
  5. Website:Education Bureau – Admission Arrangements for Nursery (K1) Classes in Kindergartens

* Please submit this application to school in person.

*Office Hour: 9:00am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday (Lunch Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm),9:00am – 12:00pm Saturday

For more information on registration details, please call : 2897 6225 or visit the school.


Profile of the School